If your corporate card offer ends with each transaction, we’re here to tell you there’s a valuable piece missing. That piece is integrated expense management, a streamlined way to give corporate card users a seamless expense experience without piles of paper invoices and credit card statements.
Paying for expenses by card is easy, right? That’s what makes a corporate card so appealing. The hassle comes when customers need to match transactions with paper receipts and invoices. Eliminate that hassle, and you open the door to happy customers, higher card spending, and increased sales.
Give people more
Let’s be honest, beyond the branding, corporate cards are much alike. In the past, the main difference between them was the rate of interest. Today that’s changed. People expect more from their card. They expect it to do more, and they expect it to give back more. In short, they want it to go above and beyond as standard.
As a corporate card issuer, you know that differentiating your offer beyond the rate of interest is no easy feat. The challenge is how to give customers more than the transaction. How do you give them a great customer experience, one that will grow their trust and keep them loyal? The answer? Complete the corporate card experience and expense accounting effortless.
Make people smile
Spending on a corporate card is easy. It’s only when users have to account for those spends, and bookkeeping has to match receipts with transactions, that it becomes a hassle. No one wants to spend their time matching receipts and invoices to card statements – especially when they have frequent expense transactions. Pairing expense management technology with your card makes it easy for them.
Everybody knows what a hassle expenses are for bookkeepers. They’re constantly working against an incoming tide of paperwork, spending their time dealing with queries or chasing missing receipts and invoices. Putting an expense app in users’ hands means in a few taps their expenses are done for the day. That’s good news for bookkeepers too because expense data flows seamlessly from the app into their accounting systems. A quick approval and it’s job done.
Taking the pain out of expenses is another reason for customers to stay with your corporate card rather than jumping ship to a better offer. There’s strong evidence that smoothing the expense experience encourages corporate card spend – as our white paper reveals.
Win more customers
Giving corporate card customers something extra that makes a difference to their day increases your appeal. Why go elsewhere to get that expense solution when their trusted card provider already has the answer?
The same is true for new customers. Who isn’t going to appreciate a corporate card that takes the pain out of expense management? Can other cards do that? The truth is, with a white label expense management solution from Findity they could.
You see, we put our expense tech in your brand. So you can take all the credit for making expenses effortless without any of the heavy lifting, like development costs or seamless integration with accounting and finance systems.
Explore the opportunities of adding an expense app to your card offer. Get a copy of our white paper ‘Amplify your card offering with expense management’.