We’re proud to say that we partner with some pretty big companies here at Findity. But we don’t want to name-drop left, right, and center – not our style. Instead, here are a few reasons why our partners choose to work with an expense management provider – like us.
Partners First, Tech Comes Second
While a lot of expense management providers push a piece of tech because it’s the ‘latest and greatest’ solution out there, companies building lasting partnerships – that understand your customers’ needs – should be the starting point. Scoping out your situation and ‘why’ you need an expense solution, instead of ‘what’ you need, is where the conversation should begin.
An Own Brand Expense App
Enhancing your market position with an expense app that uses your brand, enriches the customer experience with your company. Not only does it reinforce trust among existing customers, it’ll also ensure your tech stack is more complete for new customer acquisition.
Any expense management provider worth their salt should prioritise partner relationships above all else. Transparency is key to a successful collaboration. We’re all businesses trying to be successful – and if we have opportunities to help one another do that then we’re excited to get started.
While innovation for its own sake is never a good option, working with an expense management partner that continually looks for better end-user solutions is vital for a long term successful partnership. Yup, it’s all about addressing your customers’ needs right now and moving forward. A partner with an eye on the horizon can always see what’s coming next, maintaining your expense app top of the game.
Credibility – in the form of authenticity, experience, and company values – plays a crucial role when choosing a partner in expense management. It underpins their commitment, beliefs, and expertise; and shows that they’re passionate about what they do.
When there are numerous market players, the pressure’s on solutions providers to demonstrate their tenacity and ability to take on new challenges. Companies that aim to challenge the status quo actively seek out better ways of doing things – which benefits both you, your customers, and their employees.
Technology plays a part in our future in more ways than one. Digitising expense management can help companies achieve sustainability goals – by going paperless. While some will see this as a side benefit, others see helping create a more sustainable future as a core business goal. If this is important to your organisation, does your expense management partner share your views?
All things considered, although every finance team is unique, they often have common traits. The most common of all is having an old piece of software that is just no longer fit for purpose: an ancient system that is now struggling to keep pace with the rate of change – in the business or in terms of technology.
While modernisation can be considered an objective in itself, it stands to reason that when choosing to work with an expense management partner – or any business services provider, for that matter – alignment, trust, and shared objectives still account for a lot.
Ultimately, any fruitful long-term business relationship needs to be thought of as an ongoing collaboration – a win-win for all concerned. That’s been our focus from the start and will continue to be the case: for new and existing partners.
Ready to take the next step with expense management? Reach out to Findity now. Get in touch with us today.