Release notes
New functionality
Corporate card page
We have created a new page for the administrator to manage the corporate cards for their employees. Card activated in Marketplace appears as tabs on the new page, where you can connect the employees to cards and configure the card settings, for example, payment liability and booking accounts.
All card settings on the user dialogue have moved to the new page for easier administration.
Watch this video for a thorough demonstration of the new corporate card page:
Click here to watch a Swedish version on YouTube
- The NettLønn file integration now has the report number instead of a description. Also, decimal separators are changed from dot to comma. This was a request from the software vendor.
- The SD Worx - file LON02 integration now has additional information. The account number and the Report number are added as information. Report numbers need to be enabled for them to be added.
- Xledger integration - correct rates will now be sent to Xledger. Earlier, we only sent '1' as a rate. This is for passengers, transport and gravel road.
- We now enforce uppercase characters when end users enter BIC codes.
- The Disconnect button for Fortnox integrations has been removed since it doesn’t apply to this integration.
- We now redirect Admins to the correct CA (from the email), when the onboarding is incomplete.
- Save issues fixed for Swedish allowances (Advanced settings).
- Balancing report - Improved error handling when report failed, information sent via email and presented in the UI.
- It is now possible to activate Kivra as an end-user.
- When adding the receipt image to a card transaction expense, the VAT is now entered with the correct currency.