Release notes

New functionality
- For mileage in Norwegian organisations, it is now possible to enter the name and distance of each passenger.

- Improved UI text for the balancing report, making it easier to select the date interval.
- The setting “Do not use tax accounting for abroad purchases” is now the default for new templates.
- Mileage sent into Xledger with passenger names now contains the names of the passengers sent in a comma-separated field.
- Mileage sent into Xledger with passengers traveled parts of the trip now contains the sum of the distance traveled for the passengers.
- When connecting to Fortnox using a new accounting recipient, the organisation number is now verified to make sure that it matches the organisation number configured in the Findity organisation.
- Improved handling of lists with many organizations when attaching organisations to a consultant.
- Changes to default columns after activating API. The Client secret column is now displayed as default.
- Improved handling of tabs in the report view for administrators.
- Fixed an issue with meal benefit date when using a date picker control.
- Road toll now supports Swedish bridge tolls.
- Improved validation of overlapping dates for subsistence allowance travel.
- Improved validation of input forms for fleet management before submitting the form.
- It was possible for an administrator to re-invite himself/herself to the organisation with unwanted results. That is now blocked.
- In some cases, entertainment expenses showed more entertainment types than the category allowed. This has been fixed.
Latest updates to the Knowledge base
2023-11-21: How do we use the Expense API to embed our expense management platform?
2023-11-22: How do I import a receipt for my corporate card transaction from an already existing expense?